STK-ID 38607

TRAVELLING MS taken from wings of Miss Tjitjih's Theater in Djakarta, of a play in progress, cameraman walking to front of stage to MS of all the actors sitting at their places on stage. CS of curtain coming down, cameraman going backstage to MSs of actors changing the scenery. Various MSs, CSs of audience reaction at Miss Tjitjih's Theater including shot of the play with PAN to children in wings watching. Various shots from different angles of a play in progress: a group of Indonesian men trying to catch a monkey. Several shots from different angles of people walking in a rice field with a rubber boat. Various MSs, CSs of two men cutting down and thinning out the leaves of bamboo trees. Several shots from different angles of men in tropical forest making a bamboo raft near river.


Excerpt from
Wet Earth and Warm People
Java Island
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio