STK-ID 38613

MS of coconut on coconut tree. ZOOM OUT to MSs of General Kapolri Hoegeng, chief of Djakarta's police, during a radio program at Radio Free Love with a woman and two other men, talking and having fun. MS of General Hoegeng riding bike in Djakarta's streets to his home. Various shots from different angles of him and friends practising songs on his balcony. Several shots from different angles of General Hoegeng and other men and women on a television set, all wearing Hawaian costumes, giving an Hawaian show. Shots of cameras and cameramen, of the group seen in camera viewer and of TV set.


Excerpt from
Wet Earth and Warm People
Java Island
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio