STK-ID 38646

Several shots from different angles of a Bolivian man tying up big wooden box, transporting it on his back and walking on Llallagua streets and at market place, of him sitting on sidewalk and taking off the box. TRAVELLING MS on tradespeople at fruit, vegetable and clothes stands at Llallagua market place including shots of people and few old trucks in streets. Various shots of sister Suzanne, missionary from Quebec working at Llallagua hospital, in her surgery office examinating Bolivian boy with help of a male nurse including shots where mother and little boy's brother are in evidence, of boy laying on examination bed and of sister Suzanne touching his belly. Back view from different angles of sister Suzanne showing to camera parts of the hospital under construction: men making inside brick walls, empty rooms including one with worn out old medical bed. Shots of Llallagua seen through windows of an empty room. Various shots of sister Suzanne and a nurse in hospital fixing up a woman's leg, woman moaning and crying with her husband and son in the room.


Excerpt from
Les deux côtés de la médaille
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio