STK-ID 38723

Several shots from different angles of two young men fighting in tropical forest. MCS of a boy making sounds on a gong. Several shots from different angles of the boy doing filjak dance (half fight-half dance) with gamelan orchestra playing percussion instruments, of a man doing filjak dance. MSs of General Kapolri Hoegeng (Djakarta Chief of police) in his car driving on street and boulevard in early morning in Djakarta including TRAVELLING SHOTs of side of road. Various shots of General Hoegeng's car arriving at police building, of Hoegeng getting out of car, PAN to guardsmen, Hoegeng entering building. Various shots of General Hoegeng in his office signing papers, answering phone, talking with officers.


Excerpt from
Wet Earth and Warm People
Java Island
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio