STK-ID 38826

Several AERIAL SHOTs from different angles of trucks driving on Mackenzie highway in Norwest territories with forests and lakes in evidence. Various shots of different kind of bulldozers spreading shale on Mackenzie highway road bed at night. Several shots from different angles of Fisheries Services workers in rowboats at lakeshore near Inuvik taking mature salmon from nets in water, measuring salmon, taking scale samples, tagging them and putting them back in water, of dead salmon-weighing and dissecting, of two men walking in water on lakeshore with a net, laying net on shore and picking up real small fishes. Various shots from different angles of Fisheries Services workers in rowboats on lake doing water reserach with special instruments. Several shots from different angles of Inuvik tundra, of men with a big caterpillar vehicle (Nodwell) setting monitors (for poligon sizomographic soundings).


Excerpt from
Tomorrow Is Too Late
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio