STK-ID 38832

Several shots from different angles at Pacific Research Station in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, of Dr Davis working with a dynograph recorder on a salmon in tube. CS of a strip chart recorder measuring heart-beat of fish, of salmon in tube, of a jar of brown liquid entering tube, salmon having problems to breathe. CS of strip chart recorder, of Dr Davis closing up valve of brown liquid, of salmon in tube. Several shots from different angles of a man working in scanner room with scanning electron microscope, of him taking a scan photograph out of machine of a print outer. Several shots from different angles in microbiology laboratory of a scientist taking a picture of a dead salmon with a big tumor near its head, of man cutting up tumor from fish, of man putting sections of tumor in yellow liquid with label on bottle saying "Bouin's Fixative". Three PAN MS on tanks in fish culture room inside Pacific Research Station in Nanaimo with ZOOM IN on man taking baby salmon with a hand net and putting them in garbage can. MSs of mature fishes in tank. CSs of man at work. Several exterior shots from different angles of two men carrying the garbage can on quay with research ship and station building in background, of them putting baby salmon into outside pool.


Excerpt from
Tomorrow Is Too Late
British Columbia
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio