STK-ID 38837

Several shots from different angles of Indigenous fisherman arriving at quay of Savage Lake fish factory, Manitoba, and unloading fishes into containers, of other men on quay unloading piles of containers from back of an hydroplane and loading it in front with boxes of fishes. Several shots from different angles of Indigenous men unloading containers of fishes from small hydroplane and transporting them into factory. MS of factory workers looking at camera by a window. Various shots of three men unloading a tractor in pieces from a Beachcraft aircraft. Various shots of man loading hydroplane with piles of empty containers, of co-pilot boarding plane, of plane moving on lake and taking off. Various shots of an hydroplane landing, of another one moving on lake to quay with people waiting for it. PAN MS on log houses. MCS ZOOM OUT MS of Indigenous men standing in line facing camera.


Excerpt from
Tomorrow Is Too Late
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio