STK-ID 38852

Several shots from different angles at Mactaquac fish hatchery of tanks with lots of small fishes and pipes pouring water, of a sprinkler spreading food, of water flow. Various shots of two men tagging fin of adult salmons and putting them back in hatchery tank, other man with a net in evidence. Several shots from different angles of men encircling small salmon with net to a corner of tank, of a man netting fishes, putting them in kind of sieves in boxes held by men which are dipping them into other small water tanks and putting them back in the big one. Various shots of an automatic food distributor on rails at Mactaquac fish hatchery tanks. Several shots from different angles of water coming down artificial channel in hatchery with a man catching salmon with a net at top of channel, including shots of salmon in net.


Excerpt from
Tomorrow Is Too Late
New Brunswick
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio