STK-ID 38919

LS PAN and MS of Holsteinboz Village, ending with modern building. Various shots of people playing soccer game, including MCSs of spectators, ending with a ZOOM IN on modern building from soccer field. MCSs and HAS of young girl learning how to ride a poney, followed by two girls riding their ponies past the camera. ELS PAN of mountain where a ski competition takes place. MLSs of people climbing mountain on skis. MLS of two young spectators tucked in holes they made in snow for protection from climate. LS of hill where jumpers practice ski jumping with spectators standing on the sides. LS of competitor doing country skiing. ELS of hill where competition takes place, young people on skis in foreground. Various shots of manifestation protesting the privilege of Danes in Greenland by Greenland's labor union, people walking with Danish flag and signs, coming to a halt where council member LE Johansen speaks. Various interior shots of election day at community hall, voters getting into polling booth, coming out and putting voting paper in vote boxes. Various shots of handmade posters advertising candidates. LSs of community hall to more interior shots of people voting. CU of an old woman. CUs of heads of youths. Exterior shot of Governor Sorgen Elkjaer Larsen speaking, shaking hands, with HAMS of Egede's statue on mountain in background, followed by interior shots of Governor Larsen shaking hands with a woman entering his office, of him asking her to sit down and shot of him answering phone.


Excerpt from
The Greenlanders
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio