Several shots from different angles at a church meeting in Makkovik of parishioners (Inuits and Caucasians) seated listening to a man at the top of the room and to a priest writing on blackboard and explaining budget for the mission and for the church, of parishioners asking questions and priest answering with a woman writing down notes and an Inuit seated by them in evidence. PAN on the assistant, PAN back on priest reading a text from a book. Shot of an Inuit filming the proceedings with a small video camera. CSs of the parishioners, of them voting by a showing of hands. Cut of people standing up and leaving, of the cameraman and Ian Strachan putting away video equipment. CSs of Ian Strachan from the extension service of the Memorial University of Newfoundland being interviewed. Several shots from different angles in North West River of children looking through a window of the hospital and of various buildings. Few shots of a cable car crossing a river.