STK-ID 38968

Several morning shots from different angles of a group of fishermen warmly dressed getting ready for a fishing day on lake no 6 of Mr Leif giving morning instructions to fishermen, of one man taking out baskets and nets from shed, men taking small fuel containers for motorboats. Several shots from different angles of a team of two fishermen taking place aboard motorboat and leaving, of the man driving motorboat with shots of icy surface of water and sun reflecting on, some sequence with second fisherman shown in motorboat with the driver. MLS of them moving on lake. MLS of fishermen on lakeshore getting into motorboat and leaving. Various shots from different angles of them in middle of lake bringing net aboard and disengaging fishes from it.


Excerpt from
Freshwater World
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio