MLS of sugar factory at Taber, Alberta. Various shots of heavy front loader tackling large mounds of sugar beets. Shots of three men unloading sacks of sugar beets from CNR boxcar. MLS of cluster of grain elevators. LS of sugar beet factory. Brief shot of railway hopper cars speeding by camera. Shot of cluster of grain elevators. MLS of diesel freight train loaded with beets moving slowly. LAMLS of elevator conveyor pouring beets onto large pile. Shots of trucks dumping beets into conveyor. Two interior shots of sugar beet processing plant. Shots of sugar beet harvesters at work, of truck being loaded with beets, driving to conveyor, being dumped. Shots of beet "combines" harvesting, loading trucks. Shots of large numbers of seagulls following harvesters, pilfering the odd tidbit from field. PAN along long pile of sugar beets at factory. CU of mass of beets moving slowly on conveyor. (0/10/1960)