Two MLS to ZOOM OUT on LS, ZOOM IN on cranes at Aransas Refuge. MS of sunset and PAN on land at Aransas Refuge (winter habitat). LS to ZOOM IN MS of sun setting at Aransas Refuge, disappearing at horizon.MCS of writing on wall of building "Aransas National Wildlife Refuge". MS of building, people coming out and walking away. MCS of car passing by and of doe at edge of wood running away, stopping looking around. ZOOM OUT on landscape. Similar other shots with does running, stopping, and looking at camera. Several low AERIAL SHOTs over Aransas Refuge and inter-coastal waterway channel. GROUND TO AIR SHOTs of plane flying over Aransas Refuge. CSs of hand of biologist Dr Dave Blankinship, from National Audubon Society, manipulating samples from water, to ZOOM OUT on him. MCS to ZOOM on him examining live crabs.