STK-ID 39165

Several shots from different angles in chart room aboard Canadian weather ship Quadra sailing in the equatorial Atlantic for the international Global Atmospheric Research Program called Operation G.A.T.E., of machines reading and compiling information from the electronic instruments aboard ship and reporting them on charts and tapes, of a man writing on a chart. CSs of charts taken from the Solar Radiation Mast from the Port and Starboard Net Radiations, from Net Radiation Boom, of a man working at the tape recording information, talking into the phone, writing down notes on charts and using an oscilloscope. MS of a man aboard Canadian weather ship Quadra loading a polaroid camera to take photographs of the weather pattern picked up on the radar screen. MSs, CSs of polaroid camera and of a motion picture camera. MS of the technician sitting at his desk, checking time on his watch, standing up and leaving. MCS of him at his desk watching polaroid pictures. PAN CS and CSs of pictures. CS of man. MCS of an officer in communications room putting polaroid pictures in a photo printer to send them to the control center of Operation G.A.T.E. in Dakar. CSs of printer in operation. MCS of technician giving photos to officer in radio room. Several shots from different angles in Dakar at control center at Operation G.A.T.E. control center, of technicians working on pictures of weather pattern, of photos being printed out of computer with a man pulling them out of it. Various shots of men at work in control center radio room with lots of instruments and control panels, men sending morse code messages.


Excerpt from
Operation G.A.T.E.
Atlantic Ocean
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Aspect ratio