STK-ID 39179

Several shots from different angles aboard Canadian weather ship Quadra of men installing motor in rubberboat including shots of a buoy at sea attached to ship with ropes, of men taking their places in rubberboat and being lowered to water with a cable, of men in rubberboat going to buoy, of men aboard ship using a winch to pull buoy being lifted by a crane, of men in motorboat being lowered again at sea, of buoy hanging on crane, men working hard to make it come down on deck, of men scratching shellfishes out of buoy. LSs of sunset over sea seen through a porthole and through windows in command room with radar turning in evidence. ELS of another ship at sea with PAN, ZOOM OUT on radar to sunset. HAMS of bow of ship. MS of radar turning. Beautiful red sunset shots over sea with ships and land in evidence. Night shots of a ship lit-up near harbour (not in focus).


Excerpt from
Operation G.A.T.E.
Atlantic Ocean
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Aspect ratio