STK-ID 39182

Various shots from different angles in Senegalese locks of men at work on machinery, of people aboard a ship moving through docks and of landscape, of man at work on machinery and of dockers mooring ships, of locks being opened. PAN MLS of ships moored at sea near land, end of day. Various shots of same. Several shots of a small boat sailing by and accosting Quadra ship with men climbing aboard, of boxes being lowered into boat. Various shots aboard Canadian weather ship Quadra sailing in equatorial Atlantic, of men using crane to put a big buoy into water. Various HASs taken from Quadra ship of men wearing navy costumes seated in a large motorboat accosting ship, of seamen aboard Quadra giving them big carton boxes, of motorboat leaving, of people taking their places in another motorboat and leaving. Several shots from different angles aboard Quadra ship of people on deck relaxing, of a large weather balloon unblowed under shelter. Shots of men on deck, of men under shelter blowing up the balloon. Various MSs of USSR "Muccom" weather ship sailing by "Quadra". MCS, MS of men and a woman aboard "Quadra" shaking hands with Canadians and going down stairway into motorboat.


Excerpt from
Operation G.A.T.E.
Atlantic Ocean, Senegal
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Aspect ratio