STK-ID 39215

Children (Secwepemc also known in English as Shuswap): CU of flowers with three Indigenous children out of focus in background, playing on ground, FOCUS on children. MCS of children playing on ground with flowers out of focus in foreground. FOCUS on flowers. MS of boy, around seven years old running towards camera. MCS of boy, around twelve years old with horse near wooden house. ZOOM OUT as two children run by camera and run over to boy with horse. MCS of nine year old, walking towards camera. FOLLOW SHOT as she passes camera and walks over to where Augusta Evans, 88, is sitting outside a log cabin with young boy on her lap. Brief CS of the three of them looking towards camera. MCS of young women with curlers and boy on same horse riding towards camera. LACS of boy and girl as they halt horse near camera. PAN to CS of horse's head. MCS of boy running towards camera. CSs as he smiles to camera.


Excerpt from
Williams Lake
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio