Several shots from different angles of Haette family with new born reindeer. CSs with ZOOM OUT MS of a reindeer suckling. MS of a new born reindeer lying on the ground and getting on its legs. Several shots from different angles of new born reindeer with their mothers including shots of suckling. MSs, CSs of Haette family sitting on the ground under a tent frame, of them warming up with a small fire with something cooking in pot over fire and of them eating. Several shots from different angles of Angel-Marie Haette and another woman sewing leather boots in summer house and of Mikkel smoking. MSs, CSs of Angel-Marie and the other woman flogging grass sheaves. Several shots of parts of mountains with fall colours, some with birds flying in foreground including MSs of houses on border, of the riverboat floating on river, of woman looking at mountains through a telescope. MS of a mountain with ZOOM OUT to MSs of reindeer seen through long grass. MLSs of a bird flying in sky. MS of Mikkel sitting on the ground near river. ZOOM OUT to MS of Haette and his wife with tent in foreground, mountains and river in background. Several shots from different angles of them with another man. Several shots from different angles of reindeer near Haette's house.