Wreath laying ceremony at cenotaph: MCS of a man seen through window, taken from outside, of police standing beside the police car and getting into the car, to PAN on other people outside the house. Several shots from different angles of pipers band marching from city hall to WW11 monument, followed by old veterans, including shots of crowd watching the parade. MCS of top of monument to TILT DOWN on veterans carrying flags. Another shot of monument to TILT DOWN on veterans and PAN on veterans and cadets. CS of medals on chest of one veteran. TILT UP to his face. FOLLOW CS of band playing music and PAN on veterans and crowd lined up in street in front of monument, of monument behind a bare tree. MCS of monument to PAN on veteran making a speech, others standing and listening, including CSs of medals on veteran's chest, of crowd, of wreath laying ceremony from different groups, lake Simcoe in background. CSs of medals on veterans' chests. Various shots around the WW11 monument in Barrie, Ontario, veterans parading, navy forces, crowd breaking up. HAS of parade with crowd along street. CS PAN on crowd to MCS of monument with people around it. CS of people looking at wreaths in front of monument. CS of names on plaque to CS of details of monument, ending with veteran looking after the wreaths at foot of monument.