MLS and MS of abandoned farm buildings, snow. Static LS of two grain elevators. MLS PAN from two elevators over vast expanse of snow-covered prairie. MS of group of farm buildings, ZOOM OUT. PAN over expanse of snow-covered prairie to LS of four grain elevators. LS, ZOOM IN to MLS of small prairie town showing grain elevators and houses, much snow. MS and MLS of farmhouse in small copse of bare trees, snow. MS of Liebel Farm buildings. PAN of farm machinery in snowy field. MLSs, MCS PAN, static MCS of cattle grazing on snowy praire, barn in background in some shots. MCS of cows entering barn. MCS of cows being milked mechanically. Interior MSs of boy forking hay to feed cows, including MCS of cow eating. Interior MLS of barn, of farm wife forking hay for cows, ZOOM OUT from MCS to MS of same.