STK-ID 39511

Part one – Saglouc – Inuit preparing runners of sled: MS of sled overturned on snow and several dogs wandering around. PAN over Inuit approaching, carrying vat on shoulders, putting it down beside sled and in CS beginning to cover runners with mixture of muddy and peat which sticks to runners, covering whole surface and side of runners. MCS of sled and PAN over man in CS and ECS explaining technique, then man walking away toward dwellings, returning soon after with large planing tool he uses to plane and even out surface of runners while still giving explanations. Part two – Inuks on snowmobiles leaving or returning from hunt near Saglouc: MLS of snowy plain where several Inuks on snowmobiles tow sleds, heading off toward horizon, then turning and coming back in opposite direction, passing in front of camera and heading toward hills, disappearing behind hills, returning by same route, approaching and coming toward camera in opposite direction, disappearing as they came by ZOOM OUT to LS. MLS of men on snowmobile approaching from afar and leaving frame in CS right next to camera. MLS of hills and men on snowmobiles appearing on horizon, crossing frame. PAN to LS of same men from behind, moving away. LS to MS of snowmobiles arriving from opposite direction.


Excerpt from
Debout sur leur terre
Nord-du-Quebec (region)
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio