STK-ID 39522

Ranger lake: MS of ranch station wagon with canoe on top and men in foreground picking up another canoe and walking away with it. MCU of lake surface to canoe passing by. Several shots of canoeists paddling away from camera and looking through binoculars. MLS of two men paddling pass beaver dam, setting traps and moving away. Shots of them seen through branches and going in other direction using binoculars. CU of minnows in pail being transferred to container by hand picking. MS of two men in canoe paddling to traps, taking samples. CU of man taking sample, over shoulder shot of man writing entries in book, of them paddling away from traps. MS of two men removing minnow trap from water.


Excerpt from
Acid Rain: Requiem or Recovery
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio