Mink Laboratory: MS of two technicians dissecting mink. CU of dissection (organ showing discoloration), of technician putting sample of it in disk and weighing it. MS from table level, of sample being weighed and girl writing down notes. MS of male technician walking right to left, of female technician taking sample off scale, (back to the camera and turning her face to the camera). Putting sample into cylinder and onto kind of blinder. CU of above action from hands and PAN to her face. CU of girl's face. CUs of above action. MS of mink being dissected on table. ECU of operation. Several FOLLOW SHOTs from different angles on operation, substances being removed, being weighed. MS, MCS of two technicians at work. CU of technicians' heads during procedures. Various CUs of female technician attaching lab cylinder to machine. MS of Japanese technician testing substance on machine, PAN down into ECU of digital readout (three takes).