Adirondak: LS of two people paddling canoe left to right. ZOOM OUT to PAN showing pilot in seaplane, of plane moving, back view of head of pilot looking to the right and to the left. LS of seaplane taking off on lake. AERIAL LSs of lake or river system with two small islands, fog hanging over trees, of mountain tops through clouds. Shot through clouds of the two islands and mountains in background. Low AERIAL SHOTs over mountain in foreground and clouds covering mountain in backgroiund. MS of wing braces and cloud masses in background. MCS of pilot. More shots over the islands covered by clouds. MS of pilot with low AERIAL SHOT of forest. AERIAL LS of lake showing a discoloration spot in middle. Medium low AERIAL SHOTs over forests and lakes, first lake looks polluted with green sluge. AERIAL LSs of settlement on lake's edge, over bridge. AERIAL LS of speedboat on lake. Serial LSs of lade's water-worm tone. AERIAL LS of banks of lake with seaplane touching down water.