STK-ID 39580

MS of head and shoulders of man checking stone work on building. LS of Parliament Buildings, of man taking sample and placing it in liquid and in test tube. CU of test tube and milky substance. CU of man's face. PAN to test tube and Peace Tower building in background, of technician at work. CS of bottle labelled "Acid Rain" H2-504-3.8P.H. CU of sign "Stop Acid Rain", ZOOM OUT on man at a different angle. CS of stonework carvings. CU of brick damaged. CS of sign to ZOOM OUT on top of Parliament Building. Various shots of columns or pillars of Parliament Building. MS of man at door of building, chipping away stone. ZOOM IN to CU of it. CU of head of statue of Laurier or Macdonald. MS of statue, Parliament in background. LS of Chateau Laurier. MS of one of Chateau Laurier's towers with TILT DOWN showing streaks. Side MS of National War Memorial monument. CU of soldier's head damaged. Front view MS of memorial. MS of bronze female figure at bottom of memorial. CU of face of above statue. CS of female statue's arm. CU of man's head statue (Mackenzie King?) MS of above statue, down to waist. CS of statue's arm behind his back. CU of King's statue with Canadian flag in background.


Excerpt from
Acid Rain: Requiem or Recovery
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio