STK-ID 39638

Various shots of a man making a musician from the Norquay Quartet at Banff School of Fine Arts run around the room, opening her mouth wide, closing it, pushing her tongue out and in, showing her how to do grimaces. Various shots from different angles during winter of the two girls and two boys of the Norquay Quartet relaxing in Banff spring with their teacher, the violonist Donald MacGinnis, including shots of trees and mountains around. Several summer shots from different angles of a brass band of five musicians in costumes playing in a Banff street, of one of the musicians reading a text to pedestrians announcing Banff Festival of the Art at Banff School of Fine Arts, of musicians playing music. Shots of spectators, one filming them, of a woman taking pictures of a mounted policeman on the street. Various HASs of Banff main street, mountains in background with car traffic and pedestrians in evidence. Various shots of two musicians, playing music for money on Banff main street including shots of few spectators.


Excerpt from
From Bears to Bartok
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio