STK-ID 39640

Various shots of musicians of the Norquay Quartet relaxing in an hotel room in England between two practices for the Portsmouth International String Quartet competition. Various shots of violoncellist of the group practicing alone with his instrument in front of a large mirror. Several shots from different angles in London of a ferryboat on Thames River, of other boats with town in background, of an old and big building, of a man working on a street lamp beside river, of vehicular traffic, of sculpture of a lion, of people in a park alongside river, of musicians of the Norquay Quartet sightseeing, of Tower Bridge, of buildings, of boats on river, of a Beefeater at the Tower, of a juggler doing show at Covent Garden. MS of taxi cabs passing on street, one stopping in front of a building, musicians of Norquay Quartet alighting from cab with their instruments and climbing up stairs. Various CSs of tiny flags from different countries with MSs of a woman making them hang on tiny poles.


Excerpt from
From Bears to Bartok
London (England)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio