STK-ID 40011

Various still photographs depicting life in 19th century Canada; photograph on men in tent camp, carts nearby. Photograph of moving, ox-drawn wagon loaded with belongings. Photograph of boy standing in ox-drawn cart. Photograph of men posing, buildings in background, dead looking pigs lying around on ground. Photograph of group of men posing by door of building. Photograph of boy standing on rear end of ox, driving cart. Photograph of settlers' shack on the prairie, woman posing by door, man driving ox-drawn cart. Photograph of settler driving ox-drawn cart by barn on the prairie. Photograph of lined-up group of Indigenous men on horseback posing in the prairie. Photograph of settlers' peat house on the prairie. Photograph of farm, herd of cattle grazing in foreground. Photograph of group of school children posing with teachers, rural schoolhouse in background.


Excerpt from
French Canadian Interpretation
Prairie Provinces
National Film Board
Restriction Information
W, r, i, t, t, e, n, , p, e, r, m, i, s, s, i, o, n, , m, u, s, t, , b, e, , o, b, t, a, i, n, e, d, , f, r, o, m, , , /, , O, b, t, e, n, i, r, , p, e, r, m, i, s, s, i, o, n, , é, c, r, i, t, e, , d, e, :, , C, u, l, v, e, r, , P, i, c, t, u, r, e, s, , I, n, c, o, r, p, o, r, a, t, e, d, , 1, 5, 0, , w, 2, 2, n, d, , S, t, ,, , N, Y, , N, Y, , 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, ,, , 2, 1, 2, -, 6, 4, 5, -, 1, 6, 7, 2, , o, r, /, o, u, , E, t, a, t, , M, a, j, o, r, ,, , 3, e, , B, a, t, a, i, l, l, o, n, , d, e, s, , Z, o, u, a, v, e, s, , p, o, n, t, i, f, i, c, a, u, x, , c, a, n, a, d, i, e, n, s, ;
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w, 16mm eastman color neg
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