STK-ID 40320

Various shots of the British Columbia coastline, mountains in the background, a tugboat pushing a scow loaded with freight cars in the foreground. Several shots from different angles in an apple orchard. TILT UP, TILT DOWN of apple trees laden with ripe fruit, of the apple picking operations. Static MS, TRAVELLING SHOT in a fruit-stripped orchard after the apple picking operations. Several PANs and static shots in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, showing orchards and general countryside. Several shots from different angles of apples being cleaned by water and moving on conveyor belts and turntables. Shots with three turntables lit with green, red and yellow lights. Several shots from different angles of women sorting and grading apples on conveyor belts. MCSs of apples on turntables to CSs of a woman's hands boxing the apples.


Excerpt from
After Eve
British Columbia
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, HDCAM SR, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080