STK-ID 40551

Sequence on newly married couple coming out of church, photographers snapping pictures, couple getting into plastic dome convertible. Shot of newly weds and parents: Lyndon B Johnson, Mrs Johnson and the parents of the groom. Interior shots of giant cake, newly weds struggling with the knife, trying to cut a piece off it, getting a helping hand from the President of the United States. Shots of the principals eating cake. TILT DOWN White House in Washington to walking couple. LSs of gun ships landing in Vietnam, soldiers running away from ship and towards cover, helicopter flying off. Various war scenes, soldiers advancing, shot of one man firing machine gun into the bush. Shot of men entering village, collecting natives and loading them aboard an army helicopter. Shot of helicopter flying off with natives. Shot of AR Moscow airport, of airliner on tarmac, crate being unloaded. Shots of large panda in a cage, Muscovites looking at it. HAS of Amsterdam Square, people moving about. LAS of statue. HAS of people running. Level shot of police on horseback, on motorcycles, rushing about. LS of man being beaten up by policeman. Shots of smoke in street, cars driving through. Sequence on Lester B Pearson welcoming Lyndon B Johnson at Campobello for dedication of the International park in honour of Franklin D Roosevelt, principals posing.


Excerpt from
Chantal : en vrac
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio