STK-ID 40615

Old Fort Niagara re-enactments. MLS, PAN of fortifications (0:36). CS of American flag on flagpole (0:10). MLS of redoubts (0:11). CSs and CUs of two soldiers in military costume demonstrating musket loading anf firing (1:51). MS back view of three soldiers, two United States (US) soldiers and one State of New York (SNY) soldier attacking towards wall and firing muskets (1:06). MCS of SNY soldier running towards camera, kneeling and firing musket, CS of US soldier firing musquet (0:34). MS front view of three soldiers attacking wall and firing musquets (0:16). MCS of SNY soldiers posing for camera (0:11). MLS of soldiers walking on parade grounds with Lake Ontario in background (0:22).


Excerpt from
The Relationship
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486