STK-ID 40967

Series of shots of stain glass windows inside Trois-Rivières Cathedral, artwork by Guido Nincheri master stained glass artist, including CUs of artistic details (3:24). Slow DOLLY SHOTS along stain glass windows (3:24). MLS of altar of church (0:09). LAS from altar of church, of rose window, TILT DOWN to MLS of cathedral's interior, with elegant pulpit on right (0:28). MLS of altar, DOLLY IN to MS with TILT UP to LAS of frescos on vaulted ceiling (1:17). CSs of angel statues on high altar with stained glass rose window in background (0:53). LASs of frecos in vaulted ceiling, CUs af artistic details (5:59). CSs of angels and madonna statues, CS of details in high altar (1:28). MLS of rose window (0:24).


Excerpt from
Mediterraneo sempre - Méditerranée pour toujours
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
Super 16mm color neg
Aspect ratio