MLS of backyards in Montreal's Italian district, PAN to MS of man stepping down from his balcony into a backyard garden, FOLLOW SHOT of man walking under vines and fig trees, ZOOM OUT to HAMLS of garden (1:35). CUs of grapes in vine, CS of man inspecting grapes, harvesting a few ripe tomatoes (1:42). Hand Held TRAVELLING SHOT following man walking through his garden (1:35). CUs of figs in tree (1:12). CU of pears in tree (0:16). CSs of tomatoes on plants (0:47). CUs of grapes in vines (1:53). Ground level shot moving between plants in garden (1:00). MLS through breach in foliage of rose window of nearby Church, ZOOM OUT to LAMCS of grapes in vines, reverse shot, more similar shots (3:04).