Various shots of exterior details of tug Sir Hugh Allan, running light, mast, hawser. Interior shot of galley, broken cup, empty Martini-Rossi bottle, pictures on wall: a semi-nude dating back a few years, CU of face of modern girl, 1909 photos from "Woman's Own Paper" hung up on wall. Several shots of black and white stills taken around Montreal harbour: "Parking lot" for horse-drawn wagons with PAN to market stall, customers; street piled high with snow, men with shovels, horse-drawn sleds; pile of ice blocks, buildings in background; pile of luggage on pier; individual members of a family, bemedalled and high-hatted man, mother holding baby, child standing, boy in sailor suit, family as a group; face of bearded old man; a steamer being towed through a lock by three tugs. Several lengthy shots of seascape, beach: accelerated shots of small breakers rolling up beach. Slow motion of same. Shot of boat wake on choppy sea. Boating shot of lighthouse in distance. View of heaving sea, bright patch in center from lighted sky. Cut to turbulent wake of boat. Cut back to water to horizon.