STK-ID 41221

MS of General Blamey, Australian army, speaking. DOLLY SHOT, of Australian infantrymen lined up neatly on field. MS of Australians lined up for inspection. HAMS of Australian armoured corps men lined on field. Head on MCSs of Australian infantrymen. MCS same as above. MS of big group of Australian troops. MCS of General Blamey addressing war correspondents. MCS of Prime Minister Curtain speaking, MS of him speaking at microphone. HAMS cut ins of crowds. MS of Prime Minister Menxies, declaring war on the German regime. MS and MCU of Prime Minister Curtain declaring war on Japan. MS of sign post at Sydney Airport, with distances to Tokyo, New York, London, San Francisco. MS of Melbourne City, (WAAAF) Women's Australian Auxiliary Air Force posters. MS of crowds in Melbourne Street, TILT UP to war savings poster. MS of huge building, sign: "Join RAAF", double-decker bus passing in foreground, in Melbourne. MCS of poster of 2nd liberty loan suburban Australia. MS of Fairfield (five miles from Sydney), sign: "3d Liberty Loan", austerity loan, war saving certificates, RAAF posters. CS of posters of scene. MS of suburban Sydney, war loans, bond posters. MS of Sydney factory area, sign: "U Invest in War Loan", poster. MS of George street, Sydney, PAN to Air training. corps, recruitment poster. MS of Sydney street, Martin place, "Buy a Bond poster Commonwealth Bank, Government Post Office. MS and CS of George street, Sydney, tram going along Bathurst street, facing PAN to "War poster". MS of Elizabeth street, Sydney. PAN to RAAF and WAAAF posters. CS of poster: "Save and Lend". CS of poster: "Invest in War Loan". CS of poster: "Second Liberty Loan". CS of poster: "RAAF, WAAAF". CS of poster "Air Training Corps". CS PAN (Australian Women's Army Medical Service Corps) and Women's Land Army, and Civilian War workers posters. MS of American and Australian servicemen walking down York street, Sydney in groups of 2, 3, and 4's. MCS of same American and Aussies on George street past town hall. MLS of O'Connell street, Sydney. LS of Sydney Public Library. MSs of Elizabeth street, Hyde Park, Australia. MS of crowds on George Street, Sydney (from Liverpool to Bathurst streets).


Excerpt from
Capra Australian Footage
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio