STK-ID 41234

Various shots from different angles and distances, of the ruins of Angkor, of sculpture, statues. MLS of two elephants with howdahs moving slowly past the ruins. AERIAL SHOT of Angkor. Several shots of ruins of Angkor. AERIAL SHOTs of ruins. CUs of head of Buddha, of faces sculptured on huge pilars, of various friezes and high reliefs. Shots of natives hacking at foliage, revealing more ruins. Shots of roots of trees wrapped around pieces of ruins. MLS of mass of ruins. HAS of natives carrying stones in a sling. Shots of rough scaffolding and of native working on ruins. Various LSs and MLSs of ruins, temples, towers, separated by cuts and dissolves. Shots of men digging. Shot of the man in charge walking over to examine a find. MCUs of hands turning over a stone, brushing dirt away from sculpture thereon. LS of many towered-temple, people moving in foreground. TILT FOLLOW SHOT of native scrambling up long stairway to top of temple. LS of ruins across a river. Cut to city scene, steep steeple, people moving about. Brief shots of fishing harbour, crude fishing boats.


Excerpt from
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio