STK-ID 41255

New York scene: sequence on New York night life with long montages of Broadway and Times Square, Bright lights, interiors of restaurants, clubs, Radio City music hall with rockettes performing. Sequence on playboy leaving for home, arriving at dawn, being presented with two quarts of milk before going in. Shots of detectives smashing liquor bottles during prohibition raid, marching found-ins out of speakeasy at gun point. Sequence on dance contest on stage, on dancing in club, bartender shaking drink. Sequence on Wall street debacle, large crowd in street, street name: Wall Street, interior shot of stock exchange with hectic activity. Shots of breadlines, of apple seller at curb polishing his apples. Orderly demonstration in front of Capitol in Washington. Brief HASs of riots in streets, demonstrators, police.


Excerpt from
Fox News
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio