MLS of interior of chapel of the Saints Noms de Jésus et de Marie Convent, nun sitting on bench near camera (0:19). MLS looking down aisle lined with columns (0:10). CS, front view of nun praying (0:14). CS of elderly nun praying (0:11). MLS of four nuns praying in beautiful chapel (0:19). CS, side view of nun praying (0:25). CS, side view of elderly nun crossing herself and rising (0:12). LAS of fresco in alcove above altar (0:10). Various shots of elderly nuns in wheelchairs praying near altar (1:13). MLS inside church seen from rear, a few nuns are sitting on benches near camera (0:16). MS of stained glass window at foot of wood panelled stairway, a nun comes into view from behind camera and walks down stairs (0:32). MSs of two nuns folding laundry in dimly lit corridor (0:28).