TRAVELLING SHOT as seen through the windshield of the camera car of narrow road with high snowbanks on both sides, four or five rally cars snaking along other hills and dales ahead of the camera. Night TRAVELLING LSs of road ahead of camera car, of both snowbanks, as car speeds along, stops at crossroads. Closer shot of directional signs pointing to various homes, advertising a cottage for rent at "Lac Clair". TRAVELLING SHOT through windshield, of small town main street, shops, little vehicular traffic. Similar shot through windshield of center-bare road heading for village in the distance. Windshield wipers can be seen swishing back and forth in foreground. Closer TRAVELLING SHOT of town as camera car moves in. TRAVELLING SHOTs through windshield of automobile ahead of camera car, of secondary road with snowbanks on both sides, woods, of highway, houses, the odd tree. Rear shot through back window of car getting closer to camera car. Night TRAVELLIING SHOT of road, snowbanks. Day TRAVELLING SHOT of car in front of camera car, of road, snowbanks, car athwart the road, moving out of the way. Similar shots of fine highway, cars speeding ahead of camera car. Snowbanks along secondary roads, twisting highway, trees.