STK-ID 41933

LS following a CF-18 jet landing on runway of U.S. air force base in Iceland (1:00). ELSs of installations and control tower, a few CP-Aurora planes are parked on apron (0:29). MLS of two CF-18 jets being serviced, MLS PAN of hangars to MLS of CF-18s (1:14). FOLLOW SHOT of Aurora taxiing to runway, MLS PAN of several Aurora planes lined up on apron, MLS of aurora taxiing by hangar (2:16). MLS of Dash-8 plane being serviced (0:21). LS of two AWAC planes on apron (0:17). MLS of CC-130 Hercules (0:20). LS of two Aurora planes on apron, rocky terrain in foreground (0:18). LS of Icelandair airline jet on apron (0:13).


Excerpt from
Defence of Canada
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486