STK-ID 4213

Shots of Madame Chiang Kai Chek (Mei-Ling Sung) with Governor General Athlone on the rear platform of train in Ottawa Station - flash bulbs going off, of Madame Chiang Kai Chek receiving bouquet, being introduced to people by Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Cut to group of smiling Chinese Canadian girls. Varous shots of Madame Chiang Kai Chek (Mei-Ling Sung) being escorted here and there, of crowds acclaiming her, of Madame Chiang inspecting women soldiers. FOLLOW SHOT of official car driving by large crowds. Sequence on presentation of check to Madame Chiang Kai Chek (Mei-Ling Sung) on steps of building, posing of group, etc. Cut to CU of Red Cross check for one hundred thousand dollars. Shots of Madame Chiang Kai Chek (Mei-Ling Sung) arriving at Parliament, being received by Prime Minister King, coming out of Parliament with large retinue, being acclaimed by huge crowds. (18/06/1943)


Excerpt from
Canadian News
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486