Two CU semi RA of fischer's lovebirds preening one another, close to their tree hole nest. MCU of fischer's lovebird with tortallis branch in beak, entering tree hole nest for building. MCU of fischer's lovebird preening/grooming. MS of two fischer's lovebirds "kissing" as another observes. CU FA of Abyssinian roller bird. MS of fischer's lovebird with head poked out of its nest hole, climbing out, using its beak to climb, then flying off. MS and MCU of two fischer's lovebirds acting "affectionate" with one another: "kiss", preening, standing close together and looking around. Time-lapse WS of sunrise, acacia trees silhouetted against sky. CU of Abyssinian roller bird with insect in beak. MCU SA of baby elephant lifting its trunk and beginning to suckle mother (nursing). CU of baby elephant suckling mother. (41663)