CU of face of leopard, profile and FA. MCU of leopard grooming itself. Two SCENIC LANDSCAPES WS of yellow fever trees, storm clouds approaching in background. WS of sun rising (sun very distinct), tortalis branches in foreground nicely silhouetted against bright orange and yellow sky. MCU of dwarf mongoose sitting at den opening. MCU FA of dwarf mongoose standing upright, looking R and L. LA CU of rat finding seed pods on ground, eating them. MS SA of superb starling and agama lizard on tree log, alomst right next to each other. MS SA PAN of cheetah walking L to R, then flopping to ground. SCENIC LANDSCAPE WS of sunrise (twilight) behind mountain, tortalis acacia trees in background and foreground, layers of color and light in shot, very nice. SCENIC LANDSCAPE WS of sunrises over distant mountain (rays of sun spreading out from peak), acacia trees in semi silhouette in foreground. MWS of silhouette of leopard sitting in acacia tree. (41724)