POV of fox looking down at murres on cliff. LS of fox on cliff edge barking at murres. POV from fox of murres on ledge. LS of fox looking around. CU of murre's face peering over rocks. CU of murre walking over to its egg. LS of Arctic fox climbing up rock left to right. ELS of Arctic fox climbing down rocks toward murres. MS of Arctic fox stealing egg. ELS of Arctic fox climbing back up rocks with egg. LS of Arctic fox climbing back up rock left to right with egg. CU of murre's face squawking. ELS of fox climbing down rocks back toward murres. MS of murres squawking. MS of fox biting murre then stealing egg. CU of two murres looking up and to left. LS of fox stealing egg and running away. LS of group of murres sitting on ledge. MS of Arctic fox climbing down and stealing egg. LS of murres sitting on ledges. ELS of Arctic fox stealing egg, FOLLOW of fox traveling left to right over rocks with egg. LS of Arctic fox burying egg in dirt. (213)