MCU FA of ringed seal in burrow of ice, looking directly at camera, and away, looking a little afraid. MCU FA of ringed seal in burrow of ice, semi crawling toward camera, looking around, putting head on ice shelf. MS FA of ringed seal in burrow of ice, resting. MCU FA of ringed seal in burrow of ice, lying on its side. MCU FA of ringed seal in burrow of ice, digging at ice, as though to make itself more comfortable in its snug hole. UNDERWATER MS of ringed seal breathing at hole in ice, swimming. UNDERWATER MLS of ringed seal breathing at hole in ice, diving down and swimming deeper and away. UNDERWATER MCU FA of ringed seal breathing at hole in ice, swimming away from camera. UNDERWATER MCU SA of ringed seal breathing at hole in ice, diving down, FOLLOW of seal swimming, SA for a short time, seal continuing to swim into distance, going up into another hole in ice. (41228)