STK-ID 4312

Long Point Ordnance Corps depot (00/09/1944): long sequences on stored war material showing tanks, tank tracks rolled individually, men at work loading railway cars, unloading same, railway freights moving in and out, some carrying army trucks. PANs over thousands of crates in field, crane working amongst them. Interior shots of depot, men stacking crates with help of a forklift loader. CUs of stacks printed with Maple Leaf and word Canada printed in English, Russian and an Asiatic language. HAS of immense office, hundreds of desks, military personnel at work. Shot of Canadian Women's Army Corps girls checking files. Sequence on men and women working in packing room, men stacking packages with forklift loader. PANs over thousands of crates in a field, crane working amongst them.


Excerpt from
Canadian Military News
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio