MCU LA (slow motion?) of osprey hovering/gliding, shot showing large wingspan without wings flapping. MS FA/LA (slow motion?) of osprey hovering (flapping wings in place), legs/talons dangling down from body, (shot showing interesting movement of wings when osprey flaps). MS SA slow motion of osprey lifting off from water's surface with fish in talons, PAN L flying away, exiting frame left. LS SA/RA PAN R (slow motion?) of osprey flying away from camera with fish in talons (out-of-focus mountain range in background), exiting frame right. MS FA slow motion of osprey lifting off from water, flying toward camera, exiting frame right. LS SA PAN L (slow motion?) of osprey flying close to water's surface with fish in talons. LA MS of osprey hovering/gliding, wings spreading, no flapping, exiting frame bottom, blue sky in background. MS SA (slow motion?) of osprey hovering, flapping wings in place, exiting frame bottom. (42097)