MS of group of bottlenose dolphins swimming past in shallows. MS of bottlenose dolphin approaching fish in shallow water. MS of bottlenose dolphin rooster tailing/hydroplaning turning around in shallow water. MS of bottlenose dolphin hydroplaning, chasing long tom fish onto shore/blowing. MCU of long tom fish hiding in sea grass. Split screen TOPSIDE UNDERWATER of bottlenose chasing long tom in shallow water. MS of bottlenose dolphin chasing long tom fish in shallow water. UNDERWATER MS of bottlenose swimming in shallow water. WS of bottlenose dolphin chasing long tom in shallow water. MCU of long tom skipping water/being chased by bottlenose dolphin. MWS of bottlenose rooster tailing/chasing long tom. MS of bottlenose rooster tailing/turning around in shallow water. MCU of bottlenose hydroplaning. MCU of bottlenose hydroplaning/turning around in shallows. CU of bottlenose hydorplaning. MS of bottlenose hydroplaning/chasing fish onto shore. MCU of bottlenose hydroplaning/turning in shallow water. CU of bottlenose chasing fish in shallows. MCU of bottlenose hydroplaning/chasing fish. MS of bottlenose chasing fish in shallows. MS H< of bottlenose hydroplaning, chasing fish up onto shore. MS H< of bottlenose hydroplaning/catching fish in shallows. (680)