STK-ID 43708

MCU of seagulls feeding at surface, sea lion surfacing. UNDERWATER MCU of anchovy baitball, sea lion swimming through. UNDERWATER MS L< of dusky dolphins swimming beneath giant baitball of anchovies (2 shots). UNDERWATER L< CU of dusky dolphins swimming past. UNDERWATER MS L< of dusky dolphins swimming into giant anchovy baitball. UNDERWATER MS L< of sea lions feeding on anchovy baitball. UNDERWATER MS of dusky dolphins feeding on giant anchovy baitball. UNDERWATER MS of dusky dolphins swimming toward camera around perimeter of giant anchovy baitball. UNDERWATER MS of dusky dolphins swimming into giant baitball, feeding on anchovies. UNDERWATER MS of sea lion swimming through giant baitball of anchovies. UNDERWATER MS L< of dusky dolphins feeding on giant baitball of anchovies. UNDERWATER MWS of dusky dolphins swimming through large anchovy baitball. UNDERWATER MS of dusky dolphins feeding on anchovy baitball. UNDERWATER MWS L< of dusky dolphins swimming under anchovy baitball. UNDERWATER CU of dusky dolphin swimming. UNDERWATER MS L< of dusky dolphins feeding on anchovy baitball. UNDERWATER MWS of dusky dolphins feeding on massive anchovy baitball, baitball collapsing back into itself. MS of seabirds feeding at surface, dusky dolphins surfacing. UNDERWATER MS of dusky dolphins feeding on anchovy baitball, TRUCKING under undulating baitball. (680)


Excerpt from
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio