STK-ID 43872

HA MS of flock of black-browed albatross. ECU PAN RIGHT of face of juvenile Johnny Rook. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook among rocks, feather blowing past. MCU FA of face of juvenile Johnny Rook. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook among flock of albatross. TILT UP to MS of rest of flock of albatross. MCU of face of juvenile Johnny Rook crying. MS PAN LEFT of flock of juvenile Johnny Rooks facing left side of picture. MCU of juvenile Johnny Rook crying. MS of flock of juvenile Johnny Rooks facing left side of picture. VAR MCU of juvenile Johnny Rooks running and flying. MCU SA of head of juvenile Johnny Rook crying. LA MCU of flock of juvenile Johnny Rooks on ground. slow motion MCU SA TS of one juvenile Johnny Rook stalking past from left side of picture to right side. MS of juvenile Johnny Rook attacking another juvenile. MCU SA of head of juvenile Johnny Rook facing left side of picture. MS of two previous juvenile Johnny Rooks fighting, one juvenile clinging to the back of another with its talons. MS of two juvenile Johnny Rooks facing each other with beaks wide open. MCU SA of head of juvenile Johnny Rook facing left side of picture. slow motion MCU SA TS of juvenile Johnny Rook stalking past camera from left side of picture to right side, joining up with flock.


Excerpt from
Falkland Islands
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio